Talk to an expert liver nurse: 1800 841 118

GP Information

The Liver Foundation funds research, informs and supports patients and their families, educates GPs, advocates for increased government funding for screening and treatment, and strives for a world free of liver disease.  There is a wide range of evidence-based patient information available on the Your Liver and Living Well sections of this website.

Accredited CPD Courses for GPs

With one in three Australians having some form of liver disease, you will see a lot of it in your practice.  We have distilled the latest evidence and turned it into actionable, GP centred education.  Almost 10,000 GPs have already taken these courses and 98% of participants rate the education as ‘highly relevant’ to their daily work.  All courses are fully accredited with RACGP and ACRRM and are offered free of charge on the ThinkGP platform.  We update each course as new evidence or clinical guidelines are developed, so you can rest assured that the education is always current. Read on to learn more.

Liver Foundation – GP Education

Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease clinical audit

Clinical Audit | Hours: 6 | EA: 1 | MO: 4 | RP: 1 | GPs Only
In this clinical audit, you will conduct an assessment of patients who are at risk of metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), calculate their risk of liver fibrosis using validated tools and decide on further management.

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The rising health threat of liver disease: What GPs can do to prevent premature mortality

Advanced Course | Hours: 7 | EA: 5 | MO: 0 | RP: 2
Liver disease now affects up to 3 of every 10 Australian adults. Primary liver cancer is the most rapidly rising cause of cancer death. Health promotion, prevention, proactive case-finding, early identification of progressive liver fibrosis and early treatment of liver diseases are essential to prevent premature mortality. Learn how to identify, manage and support your patients with liver disease.

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Liver disease overview: What GPs need to know

Short Course | Hours: 2 | EA: 1.5 | MO: 0 | RP: 0.5
Liver disease now affects up to 3 of every 10 Australian adults. This module provides an overview of liver disease and looks at what GPs need to know about assessing and managing these conditions in primary care.

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Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD)

Short Course | Hours: 2 | EA: 1.5 | MO: 0 | RP: 0.5
GPs must be able to assess the severity of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease in primary care and guide their patients’ future management to determine the need for referral to secondary care or management in primary care. This course will help GPs to understand the additional steps that are required to ensure that the underlying cause is determined and addressed.

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Management of patients with advanced liver disease: The role of the general practitioner

Short Course | Hours: 2 | EA: 1.5 | MO: 0 | RP: 0.5
Early identification of progressive liver fibrosis and early treatment of liver diseases are essential to prevent premature mortality. This course will show GPs how to identify cirrhosis, how to prevent and manage the complications of cirrhosis, and the important role they play in the integrated care of the patient with cirrhosis.

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Identifying and managing rarer liver diseases: What GPs should be aware of

Short Course | Hours: 1 | EA: 1
GPs play an important role in the early identification, evaluation and monitoring of patients with rarer liver diseases. This module will provide an overview of the rarer liver diseases and highlight the red flags that indicate urgent specialist review or hospitalisation.

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Sydney University MAFLD Online Education

A free nationwide education program for assessment and management of MAFLD including specialist referral of patients with MAFLD in Australian general practice. The learning activity has been co-designed by GPs and specialists with evidence-based and up-to-date clinical information and delivered in self-paced, bite-sized and problem-based e-learning modules. 

Basic: 4 hours & Advanced: 10 hours. Endorsed by the GESA and CPD accredited by the RACGP ACRRM and AMA.

Haemochromatosis Australia – GP Education

For GPs with an interest in Haemochromatosis, you can find a series of five CPD modules on the Think GP platform.  These modules were created by Haemochromatosis Australia.

Rare Voices Australia – GP Education

Many liver diseases are rare or ultra-rare. These patients face unique challenges.  Rare Voices Australia have created a fully RACGP accredited online course, Rare Diseases 101.  It aligns with the National Recommendations for Rare Disease Health Care and covers:

  • Common challenges
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Respectful and effective communication
  • The ‘diagnostic odyssey’
  • Genetic and genomic testing
  • Coordinated care
  • Patient advocacy groups
  • Research and new therapies

Useful Resources for GPs

This website is full of practical, evidence based information for your patients.  It is written with clinical expert, nurse and patient input and prepared at an accessible reading level.  Please direct patients to the Your Liver tab for disease information and the Living Well tab for information about living well with liver disease at all stages.

GESA Guide to Understanding Liver Tests 2024

Fibrosis-4 (Fib-4) Index for Liver Fibrosis – please note this is an international calculator.  Results should be interpreted in line with the GESA Consensus Statement on MAFLD.

GESA High Protein-High Energy Diet for People with Advanced Liver Disease

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