Health Professionals You Might See
Key points
- A lot of different health professionals can be involved in treating liver disease. Each one has a different job
- Ask them lots of questions and make sure you understand the answers
- Write down your questions and take them with you
- If you can, take someone with you to appointments to make sure you remember
Which health professionals will I see?
If you have are diagnosed with a liver condition, you might see many different health professionals.
Which health professionals care for you depend on your condition and how advanced it is. Here are some of the health professionals you might meet and what you might want to talk to them about.
Aboriginal health worker
If you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you can ask to see an Aboriginal health worker. An Aboriginal health worker is a health professional who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Their job is to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. They will support you and make sure your care is culturally sensitive and suitable for you. They will help you work your way through the health system and give you any advice you need. You can find out more on the NAATSIHWP website.
Clinical nurse consultant (CNC)
A clinical nurse consultant is a nurse who is highly trained in a certain area of medicine. You may see a hepatology clinical nurse consultant who has special expertise in liver conditions. You can talk to them about your symptoms, any side effects you are getting from a treatment you might be on, your concerns regarding your liver disease, and anything else that you feel you need to know. The CNC is often your first port of call and will help you to navigate the healthcare system. They will liaise closely with other specialties.
Diabetes services
If you have liver disease, it’s also important to get your diabetes under control if you have it. The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) is available to help you understand and manage diabetes.
An accredited practising dietitian is a health professional who provides expert advice on nutrition and dietetics (how the diet can affect health). You may see a dietitian for help to eat a healthier diet, or if you need to eat a special diet because of your liver condition. You can talk to them about specific questions you have about how to alter your diet. They will work with you to tailor a plan that is personal to you and your tastes.
Drug and alcohol services
If you are finding it difficult to stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs, you may be referred to a drug and alcohol service. Here you’ll see doctors, nurses and counsellors who are specially trained in addiction medicine. You can talk to them about the best way to change your relationship with alcohol or drugs.
Exercise physiologist
Exercise physiologists are health professionals who treat diseases with exercise. You can talk to them to get specific exercise or movement plans that are tailored to your preferences and current fitness.
A gastroenterologist is a specialist doctor who is trained in the digestive system, including the liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas and gallbladder. A gastroenterologist can diagnose and treat liver disease. You may see a gastroenterologist to diagnose problems in your gut, or to have a procedure like an endoscopy or colonoscopy (to look at your gut via a camera on the end of a thin tube). You can talk to them about anything to do with your liver – they are the most highly specialised doctors you may meet during the management of your liver disease.
General practitioner (GP)
Your GP is the first health professional you’re likely to see if you have symptoms or are worried about your liver. A GP’s job is to look after your overall health, not just your liver condition. You can talk to your GP about your liver, the best way to make lifestyle changes, the medications you are taking, your mental health or any other question you may have. They can send you (refer you) to the other people we talk about in this list for more specific help.
A hepatologist is a specialist gastroenterologist who is trained to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tree and pancreas. You will probably see a hepatologist if you have a liver condition such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis or liver cancer. You can talk to them about anything to do with your liver – they are the most highly specialised doctors you will meet during the management of your liver disease.
A nurse is a health professional who is trained to look after patients and their families in different places like hospitals, aged care, GP clinics and in the community. Nurses will be involved in all aspects of your care, from admission to discharge. Nurses will assist with personal care but will also be involved in monitoring you closely for any signs of infection or complications from procedures, and will give you medications you as prescribed. You can always speak to your nurse about any concerns. A nurse practitioner has even more training and can prescribe medicine. You can talk to them about your care while you are in hospital.
Obesity services
Obesity services, or weight management programs, can be offered by a GP, dietitian or other health professional to help you get your weight under control. Losing even a little bit of weight will improve the health of your liver. You can talk to them to get advice and support that works for you to help you manage your weight.
Oncologist or Radiation oncologist
An oncologist is a specialist doctor who is trained to treat cancer. An oncologist treats cancer with medication, and a radiation oncologist treats cancer with radiation. You may see an oncologist if you have liver cancer. You can talk to your oncologist about medical treatment or radiology treatment for cancer.
A pathologist is a specialist doctor who is trained in how to diagnose disease by looking at the blood and tissues. Whenever you have a blood test or a biopsy, it’s interpreted by a pathologist. You will most likely not meet your pathologist, but their work will closely inform decisions about your care.
Peer support worker
Peer support workers are people who have lived experience of certain conditions, including liver disease, addiction and mental illness. They can understand what you’re going through because they’ve been through it themselves. Peer support workers are like buddies who encourage you to look after your health. They will listen to you and support you. You can find them in places like methadone clinics, homelessness services, youth services and residential rehabs. You can find out more about peer support for people with hepatitis on the National Hepatitis Infoline.
A radiologist is a specialist doctor who is trained to carry out and interpret imaging tests like X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRI scans. Radiology can also be used to treat some conditions. You may see a radiologist to diagnose or treat your liver condition. Your radiologist will write a report and send it to your GP or specialists. They won’t discuss their findings with you. This is so that you get the best advice and care.
Social worker
A social worker is an allied health professional who works in a hospital or the community to help people who need support. Social workers are available to help patients, their families and carers with personal and practical challenges. You can talk to a social worker for many reasons, for example if you need help managing finances while you are ill, if you feel like you are not being treated fairly, if you would like a referral to another service, or if you need some advice on how to cope.
A surgeon is a specialist doctor who is trained to perform surgery. There are different types of surgeons who specialise in operating on different parts of the body. The type of surgeon who operates on the liver and digestive tract is called a General Surgeon or a Hepatobiliary Surgeon. You might see a surgeon if you need surgery for conditions of the bile ducts, liver cancer, or a liver transplant. You can talk to your surgeon about any aspect of your operation.
Read more about living wellReferences
Australian Association of Social Workers. What is social work?
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. About nurses and midwives
Better Health Channel. Gastroenterologist services
Canadian Liver Foundation. Questions to ask your doctor
Cancer Council NSW. Your health care team
Diabetes Australia. NDSS
Dietitians Australia. Working in nutrition and dietetics in Australia
ESSA. What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP)?
Mayo Clinic. Liver disease.
Meriam Webster Dictionary. Hepatology
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. About Specialist Surgeons
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). What is General Practice?
Salgia R, Mendiratta V. The Multidisciplinary Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken). 2021 Aug 5;17(6):405-408. doi: 10.1002/cld.1068. PMID: 34386204; PMCID: PMC8340356.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists. A career in clinical radiology
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. What is pathology?
Reviewed November 2024